Calming Minimalist Habits

Mai 17, 2018

I'm a big fan of habits. They keep me sane and give me some feeling of security in difficult times. When everything goes wrong at least your habits won't let you least mostly.
I came up with some simple habits that make my life easier and put my mind at ease at the same time. I'm convinced that habits like these can shorten and de-stress your morning and after work routine. They allow you more free time in general and most importantly they require conscious attention. So say goodbye to multitasking for these!

It's a very simple thing to do but it is also the first thing you are going to do in the morning so it is very significant. Take your time before getting up. Give your brain and body some time to adjust to being awake. Stretch your arms and torso before stepping out of bed, yawn loudly and stretch some more. Believe me you will feel so much better right away!

Morning Coffee / Cocoa / Tea
An easy one that many already follow. I bet most of you have a morning ritual that includes a hot drink. Enjoy it even more. Totally focus on your drink. Close your eyes and feel the steam on your face, breathe in that scent. Reset your mind. Don't multitaske, fully be in the moment.

In whatever mood you are after doing this you feel better! Simple write a gratitude list every morning. Writing down the things you're thankful for will make you feel better about yourself and your life no matter in what situation you are currently. It'll also make you feel richer too knowing how much you actually already have in life.

This one I'm still learning about but basically sitting still in a comfortable position and not intentionally trying to think for some time will automatically put you at ease. You will feel so refreshed and re-energized. If you don't feel comfortable going in complete meditating mode try out breathing exercises like the 3 second breathing exercise - they still help quite a lot!

Taking Walks
Just get out of the chaos for a little bit. Only take your keys with you and simply walk. If you feel like you need some music in your ears right now to calm down then take your phone and headphone but turn on flight mode. Taking a walk will keep you moving, get some fresh air and give you the chance to get away from your rushed routine.

Doing your skincare
I might be a little biased on this one because I looove skincare. But even if you don't care about skincare being stressed out will take its toll on your skin. To spend some time on your skin everyday is so relaxing and you will thank yourself the next morning, I promise. Also weekly masks are giving you a spa at home feel. It's worth trying to make it a habit :)

Preparing your essentials for the next day
I can't shut up about how time, stress and life saving it is to prepare whatever you can for the next day the night before (I hope this sentence made sense haha). Lay out and put together everything you can. It will save you precious time and energy in the morning.

Taking a bath
Assuming you have a bathtube making use of it at least once a week is highly beneficial for your soul. It cleans and calms your body just as much as it does calm and sort your soul. You will feel like a new person, maybe a different person, but definetely new born.

Speed declutters before going to bed
you won't believe how freeing and peaceful it feels to have your home decluttered every night before you try it. All you need are five minutes. Clean up the surfaces, clear the sink, put all the garbage in the trashcan, check if you have enough clean towels and toilet paper in the bathroom (you don't know what a lifesaver this is, trust me!) and why not also quickly check the fridge to see if you need to pick up something from the grocery store tomorrow???

Hopefully this post helped some of you that need some more relaxation in life. If I can help only one person to destress from everyday life I'm happy and have accomplished what I wanted. But this is it for this blogpost. I will see you in my next one.
Until then,
you know I love you
Nadine Samantha

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