How To Create A Minimalist Home

August 10, 2017

Minimalism can sound very cold to people because they imagine it to be all white - sterile and without personality. But minimalism does not have to mean monochrome and all white, even though that's an aesthetcial factor for many. So how do you create a minimalist home that still feel inviting and comfortable?

Clear out disctrations

Firstly you of course need to free your space from all the clutter. Go through your items and decide which serve a purpose, add value or will be used frequently in the future. Everything else gotta go.
This step alone will already make your home look way more minimalist and will let you focus on what's relevant in your home.


Neutral color palette

This doesn't mean all white or black or white and your personality plays a role too. Neutral colors are simply softer to the eye and appear more calming. Choose three colors at most that play well together and select one main color like white, grey, tan or cream (personally I would not choose black as the main color). The two other colors will appear in decoration and other accents to create definition and contrast.


Stay away from patterns

Patterns are often very hectic and loud. They come off as harsh and hard to the eye and are less relaxing. Your home will be more quiet and soothing without many patterns. You can however choose one pattern that you really like and add it to your home in the form of a throw over blanket or pillow or painting. As long as it is not a disctration it can spice up your minimalist home and give it a very personal touch.

Remove unecessary furniture

This is often seen in bigger spaces where people try to make a room look less empty. They add an extra bookshelf with almost nothing in it or another chair that is never being sat on. Remember that every piece of furniture needs to be cleaned and if it is never used that is rather annoying.

For small spaces that easily look crammed up you can try to find multiple functional items such as beds with storage underneath or cushioned sidetables with storage that can be used as chairs as well.

Clean walls 

As already mentioned with the patterns too much distraction tends to be feel unsettling. Try to keep your walls as clear as possible and add only one or two paintings to give your space character.

Few & detailed decorations

Decorating minimalist spaces seems complicated and many think as a minimalist you can not decorate. That is not true at all. It is just about adding meaningful and strategic decorations and not overdoing it.  What do you want to express with your home that it is lacking? Add only a few details that stand out.

Cozy details

Even a monochrome home can look very cozy and inviting if you add the right details. Candles, fluffy blankets and pillows in warm undertones, flowers or a chandelier make you feel comfortable and homely.

Some more inspiration 

That's it already for todays post :) I hope you enjoyed it and that it inspired you.
I will talk to you in my next post.
Until then

you know I love you

Nadine Samantha

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