How To Level Up : Mentality

November 30, 2019
Source: Tumblr
Now, when I say "level up" I don't mean the "glow up", I mean leveling up in any area in your life that you desire to. This is not only about the outer appearance (though these parts will come too). It's not about how to appear rich, luxurious or affluent, even though after any form of leveling up you will always seem of higher class than you did before.
It's about overall improving your life and bettering yourself according to your personal goals. This is a general formular that should bring you forward no matter where you are in life and what you want to achieve in life.
The motivation behind this series is my own urge to constantly better myself.  I hope I can inspire you and help you to reach your life goal in any way. Let's begin.

The most fundamental thing is to work on your mentality and mindset. It's the first step in your journey as it sets the foundation for your motivation which turns into your actions which turns into change which ultimately creates your final destination.
It's supposed to prepare yourself for success and improve your confidence.

You need to start to believe that you can fulfill your dream and deserve it. You can reach whatever you put your energy, time and mind to. As long as you take action, nothing is impossible.

No matter where you currently stand in life or where you come from you can end up where you always wanted. Your destined future is in your hands, it's not impossible to reach. In fact, it's already reaching out to you. But you need to be willing to grab it. It is going to involve some work and risk and letting go. But it is worth it, since it is your dream and end goal. And after all you need to start somewhere. If you never start, nothing is ever going to change. So grab your own destiny!

Practice gratitude and positive affirmations

I want you to dedicate a journal to this daily practice. It's only going to take 5 - 10 minutes of your time but it's worth every second and will benefit you greatly. Now, it doesn't have to be physical journal (even though I personally prefer it, as I believe in the power of physically writing things down) you can also use your laptop, phone or any technical device you prefer to write on. 

The first step to improve your life is by practicing gratitude. This is something almost all highly successfull people do. And with good reason. No matter how hard it seems, if you do not appreciate your life and what you already have in this present moment, you can not reflect what you want to achieve. You will send out negative vibration and energy. The universe will act upon that and send you more negativity.  But I promise you, you can always and I really mean ALWAYS find things to be thankful for in life. Nothing is insignificant.

NOTE:  If you however have a hard time with this practice and with finding things to be grateful for, I recommend looking into the book "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne. It is about gratitude and will completely shift your mindset about how you perceive the current state of your life. It also has 28 exercises to form the habit of practising gratitude. It will probably make this much easier.

But back to the daily practice. All you have to do is:
  • Write down 5 things you're grateful for today. If that means you start with things like clean water, fresh air, having a roof over your head, your education, a healthy body or the ability to read this blogpost right now; you know what? You are already so blessed. With being able to even read this post and to even have the ability to change and improve your life, you are better off than the majority of the people living on this planet.
→ Lesson 1: Never forget how blessed you are!

  • After you're finished with your daily gratitude list, write down positive affirmations that are in relation to your goal.
          For example:
  • I deserve the life I'm dreaming about
  • I am living my dream life
  • I am working hard to achieve my goals
  • The fulfillment of my goals is near
  • My dreams are on their way to me
  • I am achieving my goals
  • I am successful
  • I am rich
  • I have an abundance of money
  • I am beautiful
  • Good things are on their way
  • I'm attracting big opportunities to achieve my goal and fulfill my dream
  • My current situation is not my final destination
          Be more specific and adjust the affirmations to your personal goals.

Determine your goals

When you start to practice daily gratitude and positive affirmations your mindet will change. You will become more positive and optimistic about achieving your goals. Your motivation levels will skyrock. Now you probably understand why this is the first part of this guide.

But after practicing gratitude and positive affirmations you will most likely realize how important it is to have clear and specific goals. It helps to take some time to clearly define and determine your goals and to write them down as well. This will also help with reflection later on in your journey.
Be realistic with your goals and set longterm just as shortterm goals. What are your biggest priorities right now? what are the most important steps to take in your current situation to move toward your goal? What do you want to change in the next six months, one year or five years? Write it all down and try to come up with a chronological stragedy to ahieve your goals step by step.

This first step to level up and improve your life is going to set the path straight. Take your time to determine your future, but then don't hesitate to act on it. Move on to the next post when you're ready to find out how to make use of your current status quo to move forward.

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