How To Level Up: Your Status Quo & Letting Go

Dezember 01, 2019
Source: Tumblr
The next step to improve your life might be a little uncomfortable for you, since it requires to take an inventory of your status quo and it therefor also requires reckless self-awareness. But remember what I told you in the last part: it is worth it. It is about reaching your end goal!

Now reach for a pen and some paper (or again, your technical device of choice) and make an inventory of your life. Where do you stand financially, in your career or education, mentally, physically? You need to be extremly honest with yourself here. If you end up being dissapointed, cheer up and remember what you are doing right now and why. If you let yourself down in the past you are in the midst of making up for it!

If you already know my blog you obviously know that I'm a fan of keeping things simple. Simplicity is not only the key to elegance, it is the key to everything in life. So in my opinion also the key to success!
Use this inventory of your life to tidy up a little bit. Do some decluttering. Create a clear canvas to start new.  I would highly advice you to get rid of anything in your life that doesn't serve you. Materialistic things, people, your old self, your fantasy self, your bad habits and even your thoughts. Use some meditation to untangle your mind as well.

Ask yourself following questions:
  • Is my personality going to help me to reach my goal or do I need to adjust some of my personal traits that hold me back?
  • Are some of my everyday habits hindering me from moving forward?
  • Do I like my mannerisms?
  • Is my mentality working with me or against me to reach my goal? 
  • Are my surroundings supporting or preventing me?
  • Is my outer presentation bringing me forward?

This inventory and decluttering will make your goals clearer or even change them slightly. They will need frequent adjusting, re-prioritizing and postponing. Life is unpredictable, things happen and you might fall back. In these cases remember the very cheesy but very helpful quote:
"fall down seven, get up eight."

Keep your energy high and positive, continue your gratitude list and positive affirmations no matter what! You got this.

With assessing your status quo comes re-determining everything. But you might find that your current circumstances can be used to bring you forward. Do you have social contacts that could help reach your goal? are you surrounded by important information that could help you to level up? Look closely if you cannot make use of your life circumstances, even some disadvantages.

Here is the truth: we are NOT taught in school how to adult or how to be successful. We are only taught how to fall victim to the system. In order to reach real success we most likely need to work on our manners, language, way of thinking, habits and how we present ourselves, if we start as normal people; from 0.

After you've done a big overhaul of your life and got rid of everything that doesn't serve you, you can use what you have left tp continue your journey and build your new improved life. At this point it's important to not look back, because this part was rather emotional. Don't lose track and move on to the next step in the following post.

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