Minimalism: How To Save Money Everyday

September 16, 2017
Minimalism how to save money everyday

Many people that choose to live a more minimalist/simple life have the goal of financial freedom. Wether they're trying to get out of debt, save money for moving out, traveling or just to prevent poverty in the future. Minimalism definetely is a great tool for that.  If you change your daily habits you can end up cutting a lot of costs and hence save a bunch of money in a rather short amount of time also.
To me it also goes together with the concept of the law of attraction a little bit. If you wish for financial freedom, ask for it, believe in it and ACT ON IT you will receive it. If one works towards it there is absolutely no reason they would not achieve being wealthy, no matter in what sense.

it's so easy to save money on a daily basis. Here are some ways you can make a significant change in your wallet that will show sooner than you think.

  1. Budget your money and keep track of your expenses. Also plan ahead big purchases to financially prepare for them
  2. Avoid public transport whenever possible and walk as much as you can or ride your bike (much healthier and more relaxed too;)
  3. Buy in bulk. But always keep your eyes open and ALWAYS COMPARE PRICES. Sometimes buying in bulk is not cheaper.
  4. When buying food try to choose seasonal fresh groceries. Ever saw how much a melon costs in winter? yeah, probably go with apples instead.
  5. Don't ignore coupons. They add up my friend, they do.
  6. Use stainless steel over plastic. But re-use plastic containers as long as possible too.
  7. Mostly ignore sales. Don't focus on what's cheap, focus on what you need. If those foods are on sales that's a bonus then.
  8. Eat before going shopping so you don't spend money on a meal afterwards  (because trying on clothes and walking around the mall was sooo exhausting you deserve it... you know what I mean)
  9. Also always take a water bottle with you at all times. And don't overpay for water if your tab water is drinkable that's a huuuuge plus. Bottle it up and there you go.
  10. Exercise at home or in nature instead of going to the gym.
  11. Pack your lunch for work at home.
  12. Plan your meals for the week (mealprepping)
  13. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth or shampooing your hair (energy costs are costs too mate)
  14. Quit smoking (seriously).
  15. Don't keep the light on if you don't need it.
  16. Don't let your electronic devices run or on standby if you don't use them.
  17. Stop collecting and start selling > declutter your stuff to get some extra cash
  18. Don't pay for space you don't need. Consider moving into a smaller but more affordable space
  19. Don't buy magazines, DVD's or CD's. It's all available online nowadays to a cheaper price or even for free.
  20. Jazz up your leftovers to save money for food (seriously...never waste food!)
  21. Take your own food with you when going on trips.
  22. Save on your phone bill and use services with less internet (free wifi is widely available now)
  23. Eat less meat. For ethical and health reasons and because it's damn expensive
  24. Put your spare coins and cash in a jar every week. It adds up sooner than you realize.
  25. Never go grocery shopping without a list. And stick to that list.
  26. Look out for frozen and canned food. It's often cheaper and even tastes better
  27. Cut back on soda, energy drinks and alcohol. Basically zero nutrition that costs a lot of money
  28. Set goals for savings. If you have something to work towards to it's way easier to save up for it.

* this post will be updated whenever needed.

My goddesses, I hope I could teach you at list a little tiny bit about saving money on a daily. Mostly little things that together make a reasonable difference. I hope you enjoyed this post. 
I will talk to you in my next one.
Until then,

You know I love you
Xoxo, Nadine Samantha

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