Misconceptions About Minimalism

September 20, 2017

Getting straight to the point...

  • You don't need to count your possessions. Who cares how many items are in your life as long as you use them frequently and they don't cause clutter? 
  • Nor does your stuff need to fit into a rucksack or suitcase
  • You don't need to live in a studio apartment
  • Collections are not "forbidden". If you have a passion that results in you collecting something and you quit it just for the sake of minimalism you take away a part of joy in your life. 
  • Minimalism does not mean black and white or monochrome. It can but it doesn't need to.
  • Minimalism alone will not make you happy or rich 
  • Being a consumer is not a bad thing. We all need to consume a number of things just to survive. Consuming things you don't need or that bring you joy is a bad thing.  
  • You don't need to skip on luxury items. Quality over Quanitiy right? Of cource you don't need luxury items but if you want that Chanel perfume, Rolex watch, Louis Vuitton bag and can afford to...go for it!
  • You don't need to get rid of all your photos or sentimental items. I still own a photoalbum and always will. I don't trust digitality on never failing. However I reduced the amount of my physical photos a lot.
  • Minimalism is not a trend. Aesthetically maybe. The term itself maybe. But the concept of a simple life is almost as old as humanity.
  • Minimalism is not extreme or hard. The whole point of living without clutter and excess is to have more freedom, time, abundance and in general be more calm and at peace. Doesn't sound hard or extreme to me...

I hope that cleared up some misconceptions and negative views on minimalism.  Minimalism is easy, so easy. 
I will update this post whenever I think of more misconceptions I want to clear up. If you have any ideas let me know in the comments.

I will talk to you in my next post.
Until then
You know I love you.

Xoxo, Nadine Samantha

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