Reflection of 2017 - The End Of My Minimalism Journey?

Dezember 05, 2017

One more year just about to be gone. Putting aside all the evil acts hat have taken place on earth this year... life has been good to me personally. I found my love, experienced so much joy and happiness, learned how to love my job, figured out who my real true friends are and in general have so much to be grateful for including the health of my precious wonderful mom. I have never felt more content.  I have realized that I don't constantly need to search for a purpose in my life.I just live, exist, do the best I can, be the best human I can be, improve myself everyday. That has to be enough. And it is enough. More than enough. This life is a miracle. A wonderful one.

Now I wouldn't know where to start and end this post as so much happens in a year, most of you will agree.
So let me put the focus on something that I have already talked about on this blog. Something that brought me so much freedom and inner peace from the beginning: Minimalism. Actually I don't want to call it that anymore since it has given me so much, the core meaning of the word "minimalism" completely contradicts the effect it has on my daily life. Also it is not a trend that I follow, it's the life I live which is not minimal at all. It is fulfilling.

I started to simplify my life in 2015 at the age of 19. And eversince  my values, habits, perspectives, views, goals and wishes have changed so much I never want to return to my old ways. My focus has shifted to the truly important things and this lying deceiving thief called consumerism has lost its grip on me.  I spend 2 years giving my excess to the poor and this alone has awakened so much gratitude in me it overwhelmed me at times. It opened my heart and eyes to see how blessed I truly am.

Decluttering as such is a never ending process but I think that I now reached the end of getting rid of the overall excess and downsizing in general. I am comfortable and content with my possessions. I use everthing I own and replace what I need. I do treat myself from time to time but USE what I gift to myself. No more viscious cycle of buying something in the search of happiness, finding joy for 5 minutes before ending up miserable with more and more stuff cluttering up my life and head. Use and replace that's how the cycle should be. I am there now. It feels amazing.

Next year will be the year of experiences. I want my life to play outside most of the time. I want to travel places, focus on laughs, hugs and deep conversations. I want to continue to grow. And most importantly I will not give more meaning to things than they deserve.

Lessons of 2017:
  • Love is something worth to be waiting for.
  • Just because someone has been in your life for a long time does not mean they deserve to stay
  • You don't need to earn a lot of money to be financially stable, you just need to make conscious and reasonable decisions
  • Money is just a tool. It is not happiness. Excess money alone brings you nothing.
  • I am so blessed.
  • I don't need to be the person I was 5 years ago just because other people and myself put me in that box and I once felt like I should be this person. 
  • You need to detox yourself from social media from time to time. It is not real life. It can be draining and toxic. 
  • Nothing is more precious than time.

I wish you all wonderful holidays and a great start into the next year. I can't wait to continue the journey with this blog in 2018.
I'll talk to you in my next post.
Until then,
you know I love you.
Nadine Samantha

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