Shopping Ban 2018

Januar 21, 2018

Remember when in my reflection post for 2017 I mentioned that I think I am at the end of my decluttering journey? how content I am with the number of possessions I own now? I am not taking that back. I indeed think my big downsizing is over in the sense that besides frequent small declutters I won't have to bring 10 full bags of trash and items to donate out of my place anymore.
I found my comfort zone decluttering wise I guess you could say. My focus for this year is to not add to the number of my possessions.

One last area in my life could use some more control and restriction though. Just to make sure nothing more comes in my life that I don't need just because it looks pretty. The one area that is rather semi minimalist because it is a passion of mine. My wardrobe.
My wardrobe probably doesn't quite "qualify" as minimalist for many other minimalists. Although, I'd like to emphasize, most people my age have tons more clothes, especially in the age of fast fashion (=disposable fashion). But I have to admit that fashion trends still get me sometimes and that I have impulse purchases from time to time. Those trendy pieces also tend to not be the best material and quality.

So with this shopping ban that I plan to pull through for the whole year I am going to beat my last bad habit to achieve even more freedom. Yes, a shopping ban. That will last a year. Yes, I know.
Even minimalists can use some further restriction sometimes in certain areas of their lives...
I am not going to buy anything this year that I don't neccessarily need.  No trendy pieces, no sales shopping, no buying basics in bulk no more. The only things I allow myself to freely purchase are underwear, socks and camisoles. Every other item I purchase has to have the purpose of replacing something unusable or unwearable and will be noted in a notebook. Every materialistic/ non-disposable item I purchase this year will be written down in a list (I will make a blogpost at the end of the year with every item I did buy in 2018).

*the challenge does also apply to other areas in my life. All non-disposable items need to have a good reason to come into my life this year.

I am so excited for this. I hope you are as well. I am going to update you guys monthly and tell you what or if I have purchased anything and why, my feelings and thoughts as well as struggles that might occur.
So the next update will already follow in about 1-2 weeks because I am a procrastinator and it is already the 21st of January...

Anyways guys, I hope you enjoyed this post and that it maybe even motivated you to go on a no-buy challenge too. You might even were on a similar challenge already. In this case tell me your experiences in the comments. I would love to read them :D ♥
That is it for now. I will talk to you in my next post. 
Until then,
You know I love you,

Xoxo, Nadine Samantha

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